Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Biking at ZION...

So, last Saturday, we went with some friends to bike at Zion National Park. Gino had gone a couple of weeks ago and raved about it, so we all went this time. Let me just tell you, aside from the crotch not used to a bike seat, it was AWESOME! As our friend Ronda says, "I had to pinch myself. I thought I had just stepped into/out of a postcard".

It's about a 2 hour ride in and out. Only the park buses are allowed on the road thru the park so we had plenty of room.

Caroline rode on the back of my bike in a baby bike seat and Corbin rode in the Schwinn bike trailer behind his daddy. He munched on Natural Cheddar Puffs nearly the whole time. Dang!

Then we ate lunch up at Oscar's. It's a lil cafe in the town of Springdale right outside of the park. Tastey burgers for when you all come out to visit.

The weather's starting to cool down so now we are FIRED up to get outdoors and tear it up!

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