Sunday, October 7, 2007

Less than 3 miles from our house...

The Shivwits Pauite Indian Reservation is just down the road from our neighborhood...maybe 5 miles. Prior to entering, we saw this little sign that read, "Anasazi trailhead" (less than 3 miles from our house to the trailhead & then maybe a mile or so hike in) so we had always wanted to check it out. Today was the day. It was 69 degrees out with a lil breeze and just beautiful. Gino's been renovating the guest bathroom and we all needed to get out of the house. We ran into a couple on the trail and asked them if there were some petroglyphs and they told us where to go. OH BOY! These were some of the best we've seen yet. There are tons of prehistoric sites in these parts but we never get tired of exploring and seeing them. I always imagine myself an Indian 1,000 or so years ago living here with none of this fast pace or technology...just me, my family, the blue skies, the river, the land and the animals. I imagine them painting or carving these petroglyphs into the sides and tops of these rocks to pass time. It is an awesome feeling being up there looking out..for animals, for the enemy, for friend or foe. WOW! And I continue to be thrilled from my toes up thinking, knowing that our new home is in the midst of this beautiful countryside. I'm like..WHOA! And we live right here! AHHH. Awesome!

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